Memorial donations are a great way to create a lasting legacy of someone who has passed away. It has become normal to have a retiring collection for a charity, these are requested in lieu of flowers. Any charity can be chosen, and is often a charity that the deceased has supported for many years, or to one that has had an effect on them in later life.
We will handle all donations for you, we arrange for the collection to take place at the service, and then keep to collect open for approximately 4-6 weeks after the service. This is so those who couldn't make the service for whatever reason, can still have their donation added to the total made in the deceased's memory. We will then arrange for the collection to be sent to the charity and will inform you of the total collected.
Where possible we suggest that donations are made with a 'Gift Aid' declaration, this enable the chosen charity to claim an extra 25% from the government. So every £1 given is worth £1.25 to the charity, and at no additional cost to yourself. Gift Aid forms can be found here.
Online donation collection service is also available, please speak to us about this.
To donate online in memory of a loved one, please follow the link below.
This service is only available where the arranging client has agreed to have a digital tribute page and online donation service set up.
L Clarke & Sons, R P Byrom & Son, and Dafforn & Son
are part of RPB Funerals Ltd.
Reg. No. 07108734
Registered Office: Millennium House, Brannam Crescent, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple, N. Devon, EX31 3TD.
Directors: Roger P. Byrom, Paula J. Byrom and Christopher W. Byrom
L Clarke & Sons, R P Byrom & Son and Dafforn & Son
Independent Funeral Directors
In Braunton, Barnstaple & Great Torrington
Copyright © 2021 RPB Funerals Ltd - All Rights Reserved.